As schools move toward paperless communication and less homework for elementary school students, parents feel less overwhelmed by the minutia of the school year. They also feel a lot more out of the loop when it comes to knowing what’s going on in the classroom and how they can help.
Arey Jones
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Bridge The Gap: How To Keep Parents In The Loop When Everything Is Online
Topics: Teacher Parent Communication, Paperless Communication, At Home With Arey Jones, Homework Online
Times are a-changing. If you were born before 1990, chances are you can walk into today’s 21st-century classroom and only find a handful of the items you used while you walked those hallways as a student. Here are eight things that are missing from today’s schools and what’s replaced them.
Topics: Classroom Technology, Educational Technology, 21st Century School Technology
While the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts jobs for computer programmers will decline 8% over the next decade in the United States, coding is becoming the most in-demand skill across industries. And most experts agree that teaching it to kids should be our first priority.
Topics: Arey Jones, Classroom Technology, Coding, Programming
According to the National Summer Learning Association, almost 66 percent of teachers say that they spend the first month of school re-teaching students material from the previous year. Preventing “summer learning loss” is a hot topic for many schools and parents alike, and technology can help bridge the gap.
Topics: Arey Jones, Education Apps, Educational Technology, summer learning
Technology Closes Gaps In Different Learning Styles
As every educator knows, students process and digest information in a variety of ways. Visual learners remember best what they read or see. Auditory learners understand best by listening and speaking. Kinetic learners feel most comfortable jumping in and physically learning as they go. So many different learning styles can cause quite a challenge for teachers trying to make sure every student is on the same page.
Topics: Educational Services, Classroom Technology, Educational Technology, Learning Styles
K-12 Blueprint Faces Privacy And Security Challenges Head On
One of the most important factors in making educational technology more accessible is making sure it remains in a safe and secure environment at all time. Protecting student, administrative, and institutional data is an important concern and one that organizations like K-12 Blueprint take seriously.
Topics: K12 Blueprint, Managing Technology, Classroom Technology, Technology Privacy, Technology Security
5 Stress-Free Ways To Manage Chromebooks In The Classroom
Introducing technology into the classroom unlocks numerous educational benefits for parents, teachers, and students. It can also introduce distraction, hassle, and disorder. To help keep stress levels low, here are some tips for managing and organizing technological tools in the classroom.
Topics: Chromebooks, Arey Jones, Classroom Technology
5 Ways Educational Apps Improve Classroom Performance
With the introduction of technology into the classroom becoming more prevalent, it begs the question: What makes using education apps worthwhile?
The answer?
Topics: Classroom Technology, Education Apps, Apps In The Classroom
One of our leading educational technology programs, K12 Blueprint, specializes in maximizing student potential and simplifying technology implementation in the classroom. A top goal of K12 Blueprint is keeping students on task and engaged in the classroom. K12 Blueprint designs multiple classroom tools to ensure maximum educational success.
Topics: K12 Blueprint, Arey Jones, Our Solutions
The Digital Classroom: No Paper, No Pencil, No Problem.
Classrooms are steadily moving into the future where the need for paper and pencil is increasingly waning. With a tablet and stylus, a child can not only accomplish more, but they can work faster with less headache for themselves, their parents, and their teachers.
Topics: Arey Jones, Our Solutions, Digital Inking