Is this program working? What about that software? Data tells the story of how successful the processes you’ve put in place are. A recent report from the Data Quality Campaign shows K-12 school districts need to invest in training administrators in data analysis.
Topics: Google Sheets, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Slides, Administrator Professional Development, Resources for educators, Microsoft OneDrive
Professional Development is hardly one-size-fits-all because every one of your teachers has different needs that must be met. Tackle professional development in a new way by thinking outside of the box. Try these ideas, based on what districts across the United States are doing:
Topics: Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Drive, Microsoft Education, Microsoft OneNote, Google, Microsoft Office, Professional Development, Peer Observation, Microsoft Sway, Unconferences, Personal Learning Community, Choice Boards, Personal Action Plans
The Google G Suite platform maximizes the 1:1 classroom scenario for schools, teachers, and students. One program in particular, Sheets, is beneficially used in the classroom as a data collection and organizational tool. We’ve compiled a variety of ways to use Sheets in the classroom setting to display Sheets’ positive qualities for education.
Topics: Google Sheets, G Suite, Arey Jones, Our Solutions