There’s a lot of chatter this year about basketball, brackets and top-seeded teams but we’re more interested in some of the standout players in the EdTech field.
Topics: Microsoft, Google Drive, OneNote, Google Classroom, Skype Classroom, Google, Gmail, Flipgrid, Immersive Technology
Technology has improved education in many ways, from immersive learning through augmented and virtual reality to improved communication between teachers, parents and students. But there are a few “old school” methods that have no substitute and one is handwriting. There was a study published in Psychological Science in 2016, authored by Pam Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel Oppenheimer of UCLA, that showed handwriting is the best way for students to recall what they learn. With Microsoft OneNote, your students can have the best of both worlds.
Topics: OneNote, Microsoft OneNote, OneNote Education
You’re back from winter break, refreshed and ready to get back to work. Why not implement some of the best tools for 2019 to help? There are a plethora of apps and extensions that can help you, your teachers and students make the most of the new year.
Topics: Microsoft, Google Docs, OneNote, Google, Microsoft Teams, EdTechTeam, Flipgrid, Winter Professional Development, Google Authenticator, Grammarly, LastPass, Google Keep, CheckMark
Microsoft’s OneNote is basically today’s version of a Trapper Keeper; it organizes topics by subject, has a place to store the pictures, videos, and freeform ideas may otherwise fall through the folds, and, bonus, it can be duplicated, shared, locked, and loaded anywhere. For teachers, it means being able to pull every component of a lesson plan together, from quizzes and writing prompts to resources, reading lists, and class notes.
Topics: Microsoft, Microsoft Apps, Microsoft Education, OneNote, Microsoft OneNote, OneNote Education
How To Password Protect Notes In OneNote For Windows 10
The password protection utilized in OneNote keeps your notes safe. Whether used in a scholastic, corporate, or business setting, the encryption and versatility of OneNote will give you control over who, and when, specific sections in your notebook can be accessed.
Topics: Microsoft, Microsoft Apps, Microsoft Education, OneNote, Microsoft OneNote