You’re back from winter break, refreshed and ready to get back to work. Why not implement some of the best tools for 2019 to help? There are a plethora of apps and extensions that can help you, your teachers and students make the most of the new year.
Topics: Microsoft, Google Docs, OneNote, Google, Microsoft Teams, EdTechTeam, Flipgrid, Winter Professional Development, Google Authenticator, Grammarly, LastPass, Google Keep, CheckMark
Professional Development is hardly one-size-fits-all because every one of your teachers has different needs that must be met. Tackle professional development in a new way by thinking outside of the box. Try these ideas, based on what districts across the United States are doing:
Topics: Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Drive, Microsoft Education, Microsoft OneNote, Google, Microsoft Office, Professional Development, Peer Observation, Microsoft Sway, Unconferences, Personal Learning Community, Choice Boards, Personal Action Plans
Google Gold: 7 Nuggets You Didn’t Know Existed in the Google Suite
G Suite--what most of us first knew as Google Apps for Work--is one of the most powerful cloud-based collaborative and productive tools on the market. It’s no secret why it has become the fastest go-to for schools, business, and personal use. The trick is how to make the most of it.
Topics: Google Docs, Google Drive, Google, GSuite, Google Suite
6 Tools in Google Docs To Help Write (and Grade) Term Papers
We’re in the throws of March Madness, and productivity across American businesses--and classrooms--is taking a nosedive. (Research shows that employers lose an estimated $4 billion in revenue due to the paid time lost in managing brackets, discussing team matchups, and watching games.)
Topics: Academic Technology, Apps For Education, Technology In The Classroom, Chromebooks In Schools, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Classroom Organization, Google
While the New Year for the rest of the country started on January first, most teachers would agree their “new year” started last fall--and so did all of their goals for the school year. That said, January is the perfect time to review those goals, establish new parameters, and determine if they need to be adjusted.
Topics: Classroom Technology, Technology In The Classroom, Chromebooks In Schools, Google Docs, Google Drive, Learn By Doing, Google Classroom, Classroom Organization, SMART Goals
Google Docs has reshaped the way we write, edit, collaborate, and comment, but it can do so much more than we often give it credit. How many of the following ten cool features are you actively using?
Topics: Google Docs, Google Drive