Whether in person, online, or a hybrid model, school is sure to look different this year. For teachers and for students, it’s crucial that routines and expectations remain as normal as possible. Some of that normalcy includes the importance of back-to-school rituals; among them is building rapport between students and teachers. Icebreakers are fun games and activities that are intended to create a comfortable environment for everyone.
Topics: Chromebooks, Peer Observation, Kids, In-person Learning, Digital Learning
Professional Development is hardly one-size-fits-all because every one of your teachers has different needs that must be met. Tackle professional development in a new way by thinking outside of the box. Try these ideas, based on what districts across the United States are doing:
Topics: Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Drive, Microsoft Education, Microsoft OneNote, Google, Microsoft Office, Professional Development, Peer Observation, Microsoft Sway, Unconferences, Personal Learning Community, Choice Boards, Personal Action Plans