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Educational Services Blog

Can Educational Technology Replace Teachers?

Posted by Arey Jones on Aug 17, 2023 8:45:00 AM

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With impactful technological advances like ChatGPT making headlines, the question on the minds of employees across many fields is– will technology replace me?

When it comes to teachers, we believe the answer to that question is a resounding no.

There’s no denying that technology is changing the way we work, learn and live. The dovetailing of rapid advances in technology with the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced us all to rely more heavily on technology, has had a profound and irreversible effect on education. And technology is definitely changing the way educators teach; immersive educational technology engages students in a way that paper and pencil simply can’t. For example, Stanford University’s virtual reality program, "Becoming homeless," was shown to increase empathy in participants. Similar technology is being used to train nursing and other medical students to gain a better understanding of what their future patients might be experiencing.

Technology is also being harnessed to help balance out inequities in education. Assistive Technology (AT), for instance, can help level the playing field for students with learning differences and disabilities; Microsoft’s Immersive Reader uses features like read aloud and text decoding to help boost comprehension for readers of all levels.

If you’ve ever been stuck on a frustrating phone call with an automated assistant, though, you’ve no doubt encountered one simple truth– technology can’t replace the human element.

Technology doesn’t have the most important qualities of great teachers– passion and heart.

Take a moment and think back to a few of your favorite teachers. I’ll go first– I’m thinking of my third-grade teacher, Mrs. Cahill. I don’t have any recollection of whether she was savvy with the overhead projector or the Apple IIe. I just know that she was warm and kind and she made me feel seen. Technology– as fascinating and helpful as it can be– can’t replace those human qualities.

In fact, as technology plays an increasing role in our lives, soft skills like empathy, problem-solving, creativity, communication and collaboration are becoming more important in the workplace than ever. Students will need to learn these skills in order to thrive in their future work lives and address the complex challenges we face in modern life. While technology may have a place in helping students learn these soft skills, teachers will play a larger role.

The role of teachers is likely to continue evolving. As technology develops, educators will be able to use it to outsource time-consuming administrative tasks like grading, allowing them more time and energy to focus on students and their individual learning needs.

Google Education’s recent Future of Education report predicted, "As the educational landscape changes, teachers shift from being ‘gatekeepers of knowledge' to ‘choreographers of learning.’"

The report forecasts that the role of teachers is likely to continue to shift away from someone who shares knowledge on a particular subject, to someone who facilitates learning through their relationships with their students and their awareness of the various tools– technological or otherwise– that can best support their learning.

While technology is a valuable tool, we need great teachers more than ever.


Topics: Academic Technology, AI, Artificial Intelligence

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